UFO Sighting in York, Maine on 2019-02-05 00:00:00 – Flying object with lights, hovered then passed slow and low right over my car. might have been a plane.

I was driving home last night and stopped at an intersection. i looked to my left, due east, and saw two bright lights hovering in the sky, about 200 ft (see video) . it definitely hovered, was not moving towards me until a couple minutes later. it followed the road i was on and went right over my car. in the video, you will hear a car go by, but the next sound is the engine of the "plane," if thats what it was. i was struck by how low and slowly it was moving. i could see the two lights you can see in the video and the blinker in the middle and im pretty sure there were two more lights opposite those. in other words, there were 4 non-blinking lights that were gray/blue and from beneath the object, appeared to be somewhat translucent, but the 2 lights that faced forward were bright (see the video) , however, i could see nothing of the object itself at any time. so, in some ways it behaved like a plane but it was not a normal plane.
after it passed over my car – there is brief footage of what it looked like after it passed- it moved along rt.91 and i followed it for a couple of miles until it veered off and i lost it in the trees.
there is 1 video file with audio.



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