UFOs and the Pulitzer Prize – High Strangeness

Mark O’Connell has a pair of rather light-hearted but informative posts for us. In the title article, Mark describes his role as “Pulitzer (self)nominee” for his recent biography of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, The Close Encounters Man. With The Strange Case of the Left-Handed UFO–Part IV, Mark probes how to test whether there are unusually more “left” than “right” references in UFO cases, and what that might mean. Turns out there are fairly straight statistical rules for testing Mark’s hypothesis, but the procedural methods for collecting the data are practically beyond his means–right now. “Angel donors” out there, take note! Is there some meaning behind the number behind the title Special Cases–The Long Island File (82): 28,000 Large Seagulls? Probably not, although the father of John Keel’s friend and alien/android(?) contactee Jaye Paro is having a repetitive nightmare about an avian invasion. This latest in John Keel’s journal entries about the craziness he was bound up with has many other events more unsettling than that. (WM)

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