UFOs in Andalucia: Lights, Vessels and Humanoids since the Spanish Civil War – Inexplicata

Selections from a new book by Spanish journalist Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista, Ovnis en Andalucia, which features 100 such cases, going back to 1938. Besides strengthening the pre-WWII history of UFO sightings, Garcia Bautista has uncovered evidence that the Spanish military takes and has taken UFOs and their implications seriously. “If we published all of the UFO incidents in Spain that resulted in intercept missions, we would be providing a sense of tremendous insecurity,” Bautista quotes “a military friend.” The comment is supported by the Victor Vela article Spain: Government Dossier on the Villalon de Campos UFO (1968). The featured case is one of about 80 regarding Spanish UFO sightings. “A veritable UFO fever raged in 1968,” Vela tells us, detailing on the one hand the attempts of the Air Force Ministry to calm the populace, and on the other, press attempts to “make hay” out of the flap. What could the press have done with John Keel’s story? In Special Cases–The Long Island File (39): The Council of the Ten Men Keel seems to believe his contact Jaye Paro’s tale of a very weird meeting of “androids” and an even stranger and frightening laboratory with scenes out of a Boris Karloff movie. Keel hopes for an alien “light show” as “the first step” towards bringing them and humans together. Given elements in this post, as well as what we’ve been reading for some time, one would ask why such a union would be desirable. (WM)

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