Utah Crowd-Funding: Going After Bigfoot – Salt Lake Tribune

Filmmaker James Cawley is tackling the Bigfoot phenomenon in a whole new way that just might be the most productive approach yet of funding a large enough project with enough time and resources to find definitive evidence that Bigfoot exists. No, it’s not in the form of a tedious reality show with prize money for producing the best evidence, dead or alive (we all remember how well that worked). It’s crowd-funding from an eager public that wants to participate and be a part of the project. Bigfoot is a hot commodity right now, on cable tv, documentaries, movies and books (even some rather dubious erotica) and tapping the popularity of the big, hairy guy might just be the magic combination. Of course, it doesn’t hurt having experts like Jeff Meldrum and Cliff Barackman on the project either. And speaking of big crypto projects, Loren Coleman reminds us that the 2016 International Cryptozoology Museum Conference in St. Augustine, Florida is fast approaching. The lineup of speakers is already impressive as is the gorgeous setting. (MB)

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