Velikovsky's "UFO" – UFO Conjectures

Rich Reynolds focuses on the flawed work of controversial thinker Immanuel Velikovsky, as exemplified by Velikovsky’s “partiality for Venus,” that brightest “star” in the heavens next to the Sun. Rich suggests that certain ancient records of the planet were actually notations of something quite Other. Now Rich rejects the notion that the “UFOs” ancients may have been reporting were ET craft from Alpha Centauri. This helps explain his prediction about UFOs: The Ongoing Futility and Foolishness (2019). Rich sees ufology as an irrelevant entertainment amidst more pressing and significant matters, in spite of quixotic efforts by ufologists to keep the embers smoldering. Which brings up How the Arts Don’t Explain UFOs but Do Explain the UFO Community. Rich notes examples from literature (guess which book!) and painting that exemplify the fine madness and/or frustration animating those who study UFO reports, and especially those favoring the Ancient Astronaut theory of interference in human development. Rich promises more “cultural associations that seemingly connect to the mentality and make-up of the UFO community.” In The Crucible of Faith Subverts the Views of the Ancient Astronaut/Alien Crowd Rich recommends Crucible of Faith: The Ancient Revolution That Made Our Modern Religious World. Rich feels this work has much to say about the real genesis of beings mentioned in ancient (particularly Near Eastern) texts. With Earth” Our “Bubble” of Reality, Rich expounds upon his belief, which he sees supported by the Crucible book, that the “Watchers,” “Annunaki,” and “Giants” are products of a uniquely “Earthian” core religious development, and not “grafted onto” the old texts by actual alien incursions into our lives. (WM)

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