Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, the "Supernatural," and What it Means for UFOlogy (Part 3) – Journal of a UFO Investigator

Two personal reflections of a deeper nature on UFO-tangential topics: In the lead article, David Halperin concludes his review of the Oxford University Press-published Medjugorje and the Supernatural: Science, Mysticism, and Extraordinary Religious Experience. Halperin is taken aback by the wonder of whatever is behind the visions of Mary the mother of Jesus reported from a small Herzegovinian town since 1981. Bryan Sentes’ Sighting Report concerns his own, dramatic sighting of what he is sure was some sort of mundane (well, aerial) phenomenon. Sentes senses something akin to those Marian apparitions mentioned in Halperin’s article and experienced by some, but not others who are present. Bryan apparently didn’t ask other nearby passengers whether they saw anything and, if so, what did they see in a sighting that “lasted at least thirty minutes.” (WM)

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