When a Fictional Monster Came To Life…Well, Almost… – Mysterious Universe

Nick Redfern takes us on a cryptic walk down memory lane to a simpler time almost 30 years ago when the internet wasn’t available to the public and a “Bloop” from the depths of the Pacific could have been evidence of Godzilla. Times have changed, we are inundated with (dis)information from the InterWeb, and a fantastic but anomalous sound from the ocean is most likely an iceberg preparing to break off. Here’s another topic rendered no longer fun: Scientists Unravel the Mystery of the Siberian Unicorn. An ancient single-horned rhinoceros that roamed the area known as Eurasia up to the Stone Age is believed to have been so specialized in its eating habits that when grass became unavailable as a food source the Elasmotherium sibiricum simply died out. It’s even suspected that its enormous head was too heavy for it to lift above grass height. Hard to say which of those theories is more depressing…(CM)

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