Who is Who in the UFO Zoo — Part 2 – Parasociology

Eric Ouellet’s article completes a look at what he terms six schools of thought in ufology begun in Who’s Who in the UFO Zoo? — Part 1. Ouellet promises another entry covering the “Parapsychological Hypothesis” for UFOs. Readers will judge for themselves how well any of these constructs accounts for both the wide variety of phenomena that have been aggregated under the term “UFO.â€� Peter Rogerson’s treatment of Ben Mezrich’s book The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth behind America’s UFO Highway does seem to reflect elements of Ouellet’s “Simplistic Psycho-social Hypothesis” characterization; see I Walk the Line. Rogerson says that the folklore in the book almost draws “a straight line, not an alien highway across America, but one from the fears over cattle mutilations to the anger that has led to the rise of Donald Trump.” Nevertheless, Rogerson may be drawing an accurate picture of the book being kind of a reality-TV story of the American odyssey of a UFO hunter and his family, rather than a deep-dive into subject ufologist Chuck Zukowski’s U.S. version of the “straight-line mystery.â€� Finally, Special Cases — The Long Island File (12): An Interview with the Princess, has poor John Keel suspecting more deeply a hoax at the bottom of Jaye Paro’s actions in the events surrounding, and the content of, “Princess Moon Owl’s” deeply strange interview supposedly taped at Long Island radio station WBAB. Perhaps Paro’s actions are understandable in the formal framework of an Ouellet hypothesis; then again, maybe Jim Moseley was, as the wildly confused Keel thought just possible, simply behind a publicity-seeking “con.â€� (WM)

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