Why The Hunt For Alien Life Is Pointless – The Guardian

Just brief blurbs from Guardian readers about the search for extraterrestrial intelligences. In short, it’ll take too long and humanity doesn’t care about Earth so why bother with aliens? Well then, David Robson and John Boyd perhaps you’d like to find out why The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Is Heightening despite your perfectly cromulent arguments. Why? Planets, planets, and more planets being discovered by us puny Earthlings. But how? Money, like aliens, is green and more powerful than mankind so there are Astronomers Wanting Public Funds For Intelligent Life Search. On the bright side, according to Pallab Ghosh, the money’s being used to find aliens regardless of their status in hopes of greeting and welcoming them. We’re pretty certain if a certain world leader had their way, that money’d be used to build a Dyson Sphere. The best kind dyson sphere. Out of concrete and steel. Impenetrable! The best! On the downside for astronomers, they could be out of a job since Nilima Marshall heard a Supercomputer Is To Scan The “Entire Sky” For Signs Of Aliens. And what better way to search for alien technosignatures than with domestic technology made on our blue and green planet! (CS)

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