World’s First ‘Djinn Trapper’ Service Catches Genies in Malaysia – Mystery Wire

You’ve heard the old adage “A fool and his money are soon parted.â€� Maybe it’s time to revamp it a little, change it up to read “Desperation makes for poor judgement” or “For every frightened person there’s someone to empty their wallet”. This report on a Djinn hunter in Malaysia makes us roll our eyes a little- -everyone knows it takes a Witcher to catch a djinn. But this trickster is mild compared to our next one: Palm Reader Allegedly Tricks Woman into Paying $70,000 for ’Demonic Exorcism’. Bad enough for some charlatan to threaten a gullible person with bad luck, but then to draw that person’s child into the mix? Shameful. We’ll see how well that sort of activity goes down in prison. (CM)

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