K. Gosta Rehn and George Adamski – Hakan Blomqvist's Blog

Whether it’s reading cuneiform tablets from a Near-Eastern “dig” or finding an ancestor’s journal when going through old family records, uncovering a surprising new piece of information is a thrill. Hakan Blomqvist recently discovered something that caused him to “raise my eyebrows in astonishment.” Blomqvist’s discovery sheds more light–and engenders more questions–about the career and beliefs of K. Gosta Rehn, generally regarded as “a hardline intellectual rationalist … and a fierce opponent of the classic contactees, whose writings he regarded pure fantasy.” What emerges is that Gosta Rehn was a more complicated individual than traditionally believed. An Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) co-founder figures as an “anti-Contactee” in the Blomqvist story, and takes center stage in Correspondence with Coral Lorenzen, May 5 & 9, 1966. The remarkably heady days of the 1966 UFO flap shine through these two letters–an interesting comparison to the recent excitements surrounding a relatively narrow set of previous UFO events. Correspondence with Coral Lorenzen, May 9 & 11, 1966 continues the Keel/Lorenzen exchanges, injecting a note of “the paranoia that prevails in the UFO field,” providing great insight into the Lorenzens’ thinking, and reflecting more of the exciting events of a time some of us can still remember. (WM)

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