Satellite And Elementals – Hakan Blomqvist's Blog

Even those familiar with the Contactees of the 50s and 60s will find Hakan Blomqvist’s tale of the Johanssons rather challenging. It’s got John Keel’s “windows”; telepathic contacts from the “space people”; re-entering American spy satellites; Adamski-type craft making circles in the sky; shortish, large-headed entities with shining red eyes; and physical shaking and EM effects on a vehicle–plus several hours of missing time. Whew! Speaking of Keel, A Letter to Mort Young, and a Decennial continues Doug Skinner’s publication of John Keel’s notes and correspondence, which blog Skinner began ten years ago this September 9th. This and Correspondence with Coral Lorenzen, May 12 & 13, 1966 reflect the heady days between the Dexter/Hillsdale Michigan “swamp gas” sightings and the formation of the University of Colorado UFO Project (Condon Committee). One notes the excitement Keel felt and the hopes he could contribute to the unraveling of the UFO conundrum. And Curt Collins has another interesting piece of UFO history in The Blue Ribbon UFO Panel of the National Enquirer. (WM)

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