Black Triangle Sighting in London, England on 2018-05-01 23:30:00 – Black triangle shaped object. approximately 2-3 times larger than a a380 passenger jet. it rotated very slowley as it moved across the sky. no sound and covered great distance (horizon to horizon) in less than 10seconds.

My wife and i were standing in our back garden having a cigarette. jupiter was very low in the sky and we were wondering what it was? so we got out my phone and used the skyview app to work it out… we both commented on the fact that we hadn't ever remembered seeing jupiter […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Thunder Bay, Ontario on 2018-05-20 23:30:00 – Craft was still then moved up down started to fly towards and light got as bright as sun then venus moved like no craft ever i've seen amazing

I was stand on the deck out back when i was looking at a few planes an looking at venus when all of a sudden what i thought was a star started moved east i was faceing south then i noticed the ufo making unbelivable high adjustments going up an down by hundreds of feet […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Uvalde, Texas on 2018-04-06 23:30:00 – Saw six floating balls of light in the sky then turned into red/yellow orbs

I was at home with a few friends of mine feeding the horses at about 1130 i was looking at the night sky and saw 2 flashing dim lights floating around then the number grew to 6 they were floating and moving in pairs at first. then formed into a line and flew into a […]

UFO Sighting in Albany, Oregon on 2018-05-12 23:30:00 – Boomarang shaped ,ringed in green lights. with red and white lights flashing ,escorted by two smaller objects

I was sitting with a friend and we started talking about all of the "sightings"that had been wittnessed latley,when i decidedto step outside and smoke a ciggerette . i had seen something moving in the sky , a few nights prior to this,so i grabbed my cell phone and went outside. at first i didnt […]

UFO Sighting in Armagh, Pennsylvania on 2017-03-20 23:30:00 – Single light, flying north then turning northwest, low above treeline, no noise

In late march 2017, i was returning home from a visit with a friend about 11:30 at night. upon turning down my driveway, i noticed a single, yellowish light flying in a northward direction from the south, and coming up the valley below my house. i remember thinking that if it were a plane, it […]

UFO Sighting in Westwood, New Jersey on 2018-02-28 23:30:00 – I recorded sounds of the event

This happened on february 28 2018 i was at work and everyone had left the building , so i was the las person to exiting from work so . i started my truck like always and started driving out of the parking lot . and all of a sudden my truck engine shuts off , […]

UFO Sighting in Lansing, Michigan on 2018-04-19 23:30:00 – i observed 26 groups of lights numbering over one hundred individual total in a 11/2 hr time period. formations vraried as did the flight patern as they passed overhead all traveling east to west at a very high rate of speed in central lower michigan.

I am a star gazer living at lansing in central lower michigan and was enjoying an infrequent clear spring night. since i was already looking up it noticed movement which turned out to be a ununiformed line of lights traveling from east to west at a very high rate of speed spanning the horizons in […]

UFO Sighting in Lowicz, Łódź Voivodeship on 2018-04-14 23:30:00 – Star-like object, barely visible, very high

Star-like object flying towards the city of warsaw. vey high, barely visible. no sound at all. it appeared right in the middle of the big dipper constellation (otherwise i wouldn't even notice it). i really had to strain my eyesight to see it. it was just like a dim star – only it was moving. […]

UFO Sighting in Kennesaw, Georgia on 2018-03-25 23:30:00 – Ball of light flew straight into the ground in a matter of seconds

I got home and got out of my car and turned to walk in the house and behind a neighbors house i saw a bright orange/red ball of light that immediately zipped to the ground the moment i looked at it. it dropped way to fast to be a plane or anything like that. it […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Cataldo, Idaho on 1998-08-08 23:30:00 – Opened back door , heard a hum , looked up . the craft was right over my farm and above my head .My neighbors 4 dogs laying in my yard.

It was in the month of august , 8th day 1998.I had worked all day doing farm chores and finally was done . the wife , child and her parents all took off to play in montana , while i was left doing the farm work. only my wife's grandmother and myself where on the […]
