UFO Sighting in Grand Falls, New Brunswick on 1974-07-31 23:30:00 – Saw in the corner of my eyes. stopped car & watched fro 5 min. it then took off.

This was many years ago when i was 18 yrs old around 1974 in late summer. i was going home from taking my girlfriend home around 11:30 pm. it was a beautiful clear night. i saw it in the corner of my eye as i was driving on this country road. i pulled over and […]

UFO Sighting in Liverpool ,  on 1996-11-18 23:30:00 – Very long black cylinder shape

I just moved into my house a week previous to my seeing this object, with my new born baby! i went outside at around 23.30hrs for a cigarette it was a chilli november night, the sky was clear i could see some stars and airplane lights high up in the heavens! was wondering where they […]

UFO Sighting in Manchester, England on 2018-01-27 23:30:00 – Meteor-like white light entered atmosphere, stopped at cloud level, then zipped 90degs to right behind cloud

Staring at the sky as i normally do on the weekends, it was a partially cloudy night with large cumulus clouds with clear breaks between the clouds. after about an hour of observation i saw the following; a white light seemed to enter the atmosphere, directly downwards. it became brighter just as you would expect […]

UFO Sighting in Millinocket, Maine on 1989-09-04 23:30:00 – Saw strange light in the sky a few miles up move in an abnormal fashion.

On the night of sept. 4, 1989, my boyfriend and i were camping on telos lake (part of the allagash waterway), a few miles south of the chamberlain bridge. we were the only people camping that week in the area according to the park ranger who left us all alone. we set up camp at […]

UFO Sighting in London, Ontario on 2017-12-25 23:30:00 – Took my dog outside. much brighter then the north star. thought was a satalite at first but quickly realized it wasn't. it almost looked like a decorative snowflake.  it seemed to pulse a bit at random.  looked like there was 3 separate sources of light.

It was about 11:30 and i took my dog out into my backyard and i noticed something different about the stars. whenever i take my dog out i just about always look up to find the north star and the dippers. i noticed to the left in the sky there was a brighter star then […]

UFO Sighting in Florida on 2017-11-25 23:30:00 – While driving we witnessed something that almost looks like a shooting star except it was making directional changes and then it turned into a red and white blinking light then back into a " shooting star" with directional change and turns

While driving home on route 60 in west lake whates 47 mins out from lakeland. we looked up in the sky and notice something that looks like a shooting star but it was making turns and directional changes then once we realized it wasn't a shooting star it turned into a flashing red and white. […]

UFO Sighting in Desert Center, California on 2017-09-23 23:30:00 – ]orange plasma cone, shcokwave/dissaperance, reapperance, secind shockwave

This event took place at 11pm, at chuckwalla raceway in southern ca. i went outside to enjoy the stars. there is almost no cities around so the stars are intesnsely bri[ght. was enjoying the view when i noticed something out of the corner of my eye, a very bright orange light was traveling slowly and […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Arlington, Washington on 2017-11-15 23:30:00 – Large triangle at least 1000 feet or larger. i’m not only witness. silent and low. moving slowly

Coming out of house and my friend sees some lights through the trees. i look and have never seen any light like it before.Neither did he so i made him drive close and he got scared when seeing what’s it was 👻and drove away fast so i couldn’t get out the car as i was […]

UFO Sighting in Vancouver, British Columbia on 2017-11-07 23:30:00 – Looked initially like a shooting star was why i started to grab my camera to film. then all sudden bright light and flew diff direction

I was coming back from work. saw it look like a shooting star so i began to take out my phone to film the shooting star. however, it started to stop and brighten up and then began to move in a different direction and thats when i began recording. i was too confused and assume […]

UFO Sighting in Donauwörth, Bayern on 2017-10-06 23:30:00 – Please make a speed camera on my dark image and watch was happen ok ! you can see a alien ! and the image will brighten!

Watch! i have every fucking sec. the type around me ! and i'm fucking good ! you've don't thinking that's simple catch this on the camera !
