UFO Sighting in New York, New York on 2017-09-30 23:30:00 – Spherical

Went to observe the heavens with new bushnell night vision camera. the object wasn't visible with the naked eye. we still aren't sure of what we were seeing. on july 10th at approximately 10:40 we had observed a spherical object that blended in with the stars; it was as if it were see through. the […]

UFO Sighting in Ligné,  on 2017-09-24 23:30:00 – 2 boule lumineuse qui vole en parallã¨le suive de deux autre boules en parallã¨le aussi derriã¨re les premiers comme un carrã©

Jetais dehors je fumait une cigarettes et jr regarde dand le ciel comme d'habitude et la je voie du boule lumineuse qui volait en parallã¨le meme vitesses suivie de deux autre boule lumineux derriã¨re de meme en parallã¨le aussi et meme vitesse tous cela assez haut dans le ciel

UFO Sighting in St Kitts,  on 2017-08-17 23:30:00 – Was on a cruise ship coming back to florida from st kitts. was out on the balcony, first thought it was a falling star, but it stopped, did several turns, hovered, then took off over the ship

I was on a cruise ship, we were returning from st kitts to ft lauderdale. i went out on the balcony which i did every night. i first noticed the object cause i thought it was a falling star or meteor. the object came from the northeast, stopped, did several different moves and turns, stopped […]

UFO Sighting in Houston, Texas on 2017-09-23 23:30:00 – Ufos seen night of 9/23 in houston tx

Coming out of work on 9/23 at night saw on top of tower building like 30 of these objects the following night i saw them again this time like 10 objects were flying around tower and would take off suddenly to a different direction i could see they had wings and light i could not […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Hazel Green, Kentucky on 2017-09-23 23:30:00 – Object in right hand heated up,and tingled,then a flash of light,tv went off ,i went out and was hit with light. am missing close to an hour .

I was sitting in the living room watching the uk florida football game,when the dark object in my right palm started getting hot, and tingle, and when it does this, i know what's going to happen, i'm going to see them yet again. this makes 7 times since august 2011 ,when was the first time […]

UFO Sighting in Alaska on 2017-09-16 23:30:00 – Ufo subject under the northern lights

I took these northern lights pictures in north pole (nordale road) on september 16 around 11:30 p.M. i didn't even noticed the blue spot under the northern lights until i uploaded all pictures on my computer. when i zoomed that, i can see the share of that subject, and the light going on the ground. […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Yuba City, California on 2017-08-28 23:30:00 – Three fuzzy white lights in a fixed triangle pattern moved silently from north to south directly overhead

I was standing in the backyard at about 11:30 p.M. and was casually looking up into the night sky at stars towards the south when something caught my eye moving from the north. my immediate reaction was that it was a flock of geese. when i looked directly at them i realized the "flock" was […]

Alien Encounter in Sacramento, California on 2017-08-24 23:30:00 – Reptilian with tail ran by and sherriffs saw it and ran after it

11pm, i called security, sheriffs and apartment complex manager to report a man that looked like richard ramaeis, the night stalker dude, that was living at the apartments as a "corporate client", as the apartment complex allows these insane people to live here now. anyway this man walks up to my open door and leans […]

UFO Sighting in Conroe, Texas on 2017-08-14 23:30:00 – Star like object. naked eye, slow oscillation -1.0 magnitude to 7(visible through 11×80. 15 min to move across 45 degrees of sky

I am a amateur astronomer living about 45 miles north of houston. i'm 25 miles north of iah. i have seen aircraft of every description and many different kinds of running lights…This was very different from anything i have seen before. the sky was cloudless and had good visibility. i noticed the object about 11:20pm […]

UFO Sighting in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Lab on 2017-08-03 23:30:00 – An object that looked like a star moved away se from a star and continued in a straight line towards the moon, then vanished.

I took my dog out for a walk at eleven pm. once i crossed the road and walked along a side road i looked up at the clear night sky. there were what i assumed were two stars clearly visible, about 40 degrees in the sky from where i was walking, but i noticed that […]
