UFO Sighting in Nordegg, Alberta on 2015-08-26 23:30:00 – We saw a hovering light on a craft that was shining a spotlight on the mountainside which went out and reappeared on the other side of the lake. a much smaller fiery orange light flew across the lake going out once it had reached the other craft.

I was out camping with two friends at abraham lake and we were chilling by the campfire (not drinking) when one of my friends spotted a bright light coming from behind a boulder to the north of us. he jumped up to check it out but it had dissapeared. about 20min later around 12 he […]

UFO Sighting in Carrabelle, Florida on 2016-01-12 23:30:00 – Have seen three times. always hovers and lights rotate for a couple hours then quickly moves west and hovers again. lights orbiting object and take turns being dominate color

Noticed first time around june of 2015. noticed a twinkling light but too colorful to be a start and appeared to rotate colors. do not have high powered lense on camera, so could not capture. i grabbed my binoculars and zeroed in on it. initially it was hovering about 5 miles out, in the area […]

UFO Sighting in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina on 2016-12-30 23:30:00 – Every night for 4 nights the lights come.

I was looking out my back window right as the sun was starting to come up a couple weeks ago. i always love to watch the deer early in the morning and evenings. this particular morning i noticed a light i had never seen before on my property. i watched it until the sun drown […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Abilene, Kansas on 2016-12-18 23:30:00 – Mutiple fire like lights

I was outside looking to the south and saw really dim fire like and color lights. there had to be at least 15-20. they were in a pattern like how geese would fly. very, very distance and really dim. appeared for 7-10 sec. looked like it was on a direct southern tack descending in attitude […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Cluj-Napoca, Județul Cluj on 2003-12-16 23:30:00 – Perfect triangel with beautyfull green lighting corners like a side turned  pyramid with the top edge cutted down

I drive my car on exit from cluj napoca on the e60 road a feuw hundred meters out of the town to buy something from metro cash & carry becouse it was open day and night in that week. i see a flying triangular object with the apple green glowing edges descend from left upper […]

UFO Sighting in Sunbright, Tennessee on 2016-11-19 23:30:00 – Observed dull red light approx 15 degrees @heading 226 degrees 11:30 pm

while at camp(36 17"14"n, 84 40'15"w) deer hunting i noticed a red/pink light in the sky. i called by friend and we began to watch object hover, moved left, right , up,and down. had white and dull red lights. aprox. 15 deg from horizon. notice second ufo white lights, approx heading 270, 30 deg from […]

UFO Sighting in Lowell, Massachusetts on 2014-10-30 23:30:00 – Saw a group of ufo's flying in formation then merging.

Two other people and myself were driving on route 3 south going into massachusetts from nh. suddenly, my passenger points out this strange group of objects in the sky. they began zipping around in the sky, so i pulled over. i was in shock. they had merged from nine different objects, into three. i didnt […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Athens, New York on 2015-08-15 23:30:00 – Object brightened as if on a dimmer switch, then faded back down to appear as three normal stars in the sky before going out all together

My brother and i were in our families swimming pool when we suddenly observed three white lights in triangle formation brightening in the clear night sky just to the south of us, and completely stationary. they became extraordinarily bright i could not get a sense of depth perception to tell how far away the object […]

Alien Encounter in Amelia, Louisiana on 2005-05-11 23:30:00 – None

I was going to work in amelia i exited off the highway in amelia got down the road and little ways all of a sudden somthing ran in front of my car is slammed on my brakes when i came to a stop there it was a gray a pale looking gray and it was […]

UFO Sighting in Sobreda, Setúbal on 2016-09-10 23:30:00 – Three yellow orbs moving in circles in the distance, like playing catch with eachother.

Was walking my dog, i looked up and saw these lights in the distance, thought they were random stars until i noticed they were moving in circles, hovering and then going down and back up again. i lost them due to the trees in the distance.
