UFO Sighting in Cranbrook, British Columbia on 2018-11-03 23:30:00 – Milk jug like color and transparency, moved across sky faster than bird flight

Milk jug like color and transparency, moved across sky faster than bird flight and traveled across the city skyline until it was out of view it was cloud like and had the shape like a sail though slightly more teardrop shaped but had curved points like a boomerang at the back 3 of us saw […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Syracuse, New York on 2016-02-29 23:30:00 – Three lights twirling around each other, then vanish

I looked out my window as i was winding down for the night and saw three yellow lights flying in a straight line while also twirling around each other. there was no noise, and within seconds of me see it, it vanished as if it flew behind a building, but there was no building there […]

UFO Sighting in Monroeville, Pennsylvania on 2019-02-16 23:30:00 – Was outside and noticed a large glowing green object in the sky, it followed a straight path then hovered and then disappeared into thin air

I was standing outside my hotel on february 16, 2019 at approximately 11:30 pm. i am in monroeville which is right outside of pittsburgh. i was smoking a cigarette. i just happened to look up and saw an object that looked to be about the size of a golf ball although i have no idea […]

UFO Sighting in Seattle, Washington on 2017-08-10 23:30:00 – Hover over tall bldg for 2-5 min, path to waterfront then up down back forth,

I had just finised work shift and was walking to my car, stoped to observe what i thought was a very tall anntenna on top of a tall building with a light on tip top of anntenna. after 2-5 min.I realized there was no tall anntenna because the light on top of what i assumed […]

UFO Sighting in Folsom, California on 2017-01-01 23:30:00 – It appeared as a satellite so i asked it a question for an odd reason it light up and flew away with a tail

Exiting my car i put my foot on the ground like mission to mars observing my universe. at this time i was on my way to put or enter in a code that blocked the entranxe with an electric gate. then when looked up i noticed a satellite or so i thought due to the […]

UFO Sighting in Gamaliel, Kentucky on 1968-08-15 23:30:00 – Saw light on ground which moved upward then circled around to my right

In the summer of 1968 i arrived home at about 11:30 pm on a weekend night. as i turned in to the driveway i noticed a red light on the next hill to the south, approximately 1/4 mile from my house. at that time there was no garage there so i saw it immediately. when […]

UFO Sighting in Virginia on 2019-01-20 23:30:00 – Bight fast fireball, could have been a meteor but was too large.

Looking at the total lunar eclipse. a bright light lit up the sky. i thought a plane was going down, as a bight red light zoomed across the tree tops and then disappeared leaving a trail of red dust. it was very strange (important) because i had just told my dad for the first time […]

UFO Sighting in Trenton, Florida on 2019-01-16 23:30:00 – Saw when i got up to pee, wasn't there when i put glasses on, no moon out.

I just woke up about 11:30 p.M. to go pee. i noticed a light outside over the trees that i never seen before. went to pee quick, came back and put my glasses on so i could get a better look, and it was gone. i have been at the same residence for 12 years, […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Stockton, California on 2012-04-15 23:30:00 – I looked skyward while sitting in backyard at night, and saw a triangular craft with lights drop down to my yard at tree level.

While sitting in my backyard at 11:30 p.M. on approximately april 15, 2012, i noticed a triangular object in the nightsky. it circled around overhead and i saw lights on the bottom, including a large red light. it continued to come lower and my first thought that it had been a military craft changed to […]

UFO Sighting in Kerrville, Texas on 2019-01-10 23:30:00 – Giant light shined over never and wife and then darter off in a matter of seconds. too large of circle to be plane

I was outside having a conversation with my wife in the street. it’s very dark outside and there is some cloud cover because we were expecting some rain the next day. during our conversation we both notice a huge light surrounding us. almost like someone had a huge spotlight on top of us. it wasn’t […]
