UFO Sighting in Hurricane Branch, Kentucky on 2018-08-30 23:30:00 – Star began to move then disappeared

Went to walk the dog before going to bed. was on the phone with my girlfriend at the time. sat down on the back deck to look at the stars while talking and waiting on dog to finish. looked up at three stars in a triangular shape. the top point of the triangle then began […]

UFO Sighting in Jefferson, Georgia on 2018-08-28 23:30:00 – Tonight went from solid red then flash, then solid white to white flash, back to solid red

I observed a similar or same object on 24 aug in same area. on 25th object stayed solid red the entire 60-120 sec. path was sw to ne. obj was not at extremely high speed, faster than typical commercial jet inn area but not supersonic. obj stopped abruptly, changed direction about 45-60* moved short distance […]

UFO Sighting in Marana, Arizona on 2015-08-21 23:30:00 – Saw huge blue light in sky that was falling, it blew up, then the ship appeared, then shot off

I was in marana, arizona, and me and my friend were skating at around 11-12 at night. i was looking down at my phone when my friend told me to look up, and then something reflected off my phone. when i looked up, what i saw was what looked like a giant shooting star, but […]

UFO Sighting in Hopkinton, Rhode Island on 2018-08-06 23:30:00 – 3 lights circled above trees then abruptly flew north east

I was sitting by my window reading a book. i looked up to look at the stars and saw 3 purple/reddish lights orbiting each other. they were about 20ft above the trees in the woods. at first i thought that it was a plane but then noticed it was too close to the ground. then […]

UFO Sighting in Gracefield, Quebec on 2018-08-02 23:30:00 – Bright light which made several turns

I went for a walk down a lane to get a better view of a somewhat distant lightning storm, so i went to a clearing. when i got there i looked around and saw no stars in the sky and watched the storm. as i turned to face the lake, i saw a bright light […]

UFO Sighting in Memphis, Mississippi on 2018-02-22 23:30:00 – I was sitting in my car sending a text to a friend; i just looked up and there it was – just above the tree tops.

While i was sitting in my car light friday night while texting a friend. even though i felt safe, i was till mindful of my surroundings, moreover since it's really unlike me to remain outside at this time of evening. i did feel pretty safe since i was sitting in my car. while thinking about […]

UFO Sighting in Floresville, Texas on 2018-08-01 23:30:00 – My father heard a very loud and powerful object moving over our neighbors house then above our own home, shaking trees violently, and finally to the other neighbors house, where the tone increased and suddenly whooshed towards the sky.

My father came home from work at around 1130pm and when he left his vehicle he heard a very loud mechanical sound coming from our neighbors home. my father first thought our neighbors ac was possibly breaking, but as my father approached the gate at the end of our driveway to close it, he turned […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Baldersby , England on 2018-07-22 23:30:00 – 3 bright white orbs in perfect triangle formation about large star size no noise moving west to north east

I was with a local astro club stargazing , there was about 10 people ,and we were in a members field , we had just noticed a few planets had come into view jupiter and saturn and later mars ,this was about 23.30 – 23.30 gmt on sunday 22nd july 2018 i then saw 3 […]

UFO Sighting in Erie, Pennsylvania on 2018-07-02 23:30:00 – Blinking and hovering light appeared over bayfront tower and then floated over presque isle.

I work at a bayside outdoor bar as a doorman. i was collecting cover charges from patrons as they entered the bar and appreciating the bayfront skyline, most notably the port erie bicentennial tower which dominates the skyline view of dobbins landing which is the name of the distric that the bar and tower are […]

UFO Sighting in Ohio on 2018-07-06 23:30:00 – Big bright orb rose in the sky then stopped rising stayed for five minutes then disappeared

We were sitting around a bonfire and we’re watching the stars when we noticed a huge orb start to rise at first we thought it was a star or planet but we used our star finder app and it didn’t identify it. we watched as it rose higher in the sky then stop moving. we […]
