
UFO Sighting in Greenwood, South Carolina on March 13th 2013 – Shiney, moved very,very fast from west to east while watching a chemtrail in formation from north to south.

I was in the back yard. I noticed something very shiney muving extreamly fast from west by north west to East by north East… When I first saw it I thought it was a jet liner, then I notestd that it had no wings and was moving far to fast… It moved in a straight […]

UFO Sighting in Smithfield, North Carolina on February 27th 2013 – LargeAirplane shaped objects just over tree tops,asending to grond level.

On Feb 27th 2013 at 8pm my Daughter called me and said thet there was sonmething stange going on at their house she could not explain, she said come quick Mama I do not know what is going and it is scaring me badly,she said it had been going on about 10mins before she called […]

UFO Sighting in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina on July 15th 2010 – Bright orange lights over Atlantic Ocean.  A set of three, then to the right, a set of two more.

I took a break during work and was standing out behind the restaurant, looking over the marsh. Three orange lights appeared, then two more appeared to the right, maybe a mile or two. I watched and rechecked later on. About thirty minutes they were there, in the same area. A year later, the exact same […]

South Carolina is ground zero for immigration-reform ad wars

One of the most active states in the ad wars over immigration reform is far from the border—and doesn’t even have a large population of foreign workers. South Carolina, however, is home to two key figures in the push to legalize the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants and reform the immigration system: Republican Sen. Lindsey […]

Alien Encounter in Taylors, South Carolina on March 13th 2013 – Extremely loud rumbling poping noise from sky

Last night at about 945 I was in my bedroom with my wife. We heard a sound that started off sounding like rapid shot gun fire in the distance. It then continued and got louder and louder and turned into a popping rumblings jet and thunder type noise. It continued on and was so loud […]

UFO Sighting in Holly Springs, North Carolina on March 12th 2013 – Smooth, silent acceleration of bright glowing lights across sky

I walked outside with the dogs before bedtime. I glanced up and saw six or seven bright blue-white lights in formation moving smoothly and silently across the sky. They were ‘flying-wing’ shaped without any aircraft type lights. The entire surface of each object was glowing. I thought they were possibly illuminated birds at first, but […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Connelly Springs, North Carolina on March 8th 2013 – Saw them coming in from the south east, red , green , blue, lights on them.

I am reporting to you again I have been seeing them every night when it is clear over my house, I have power lines by my house and it seems that they are getting energy off of these lines, they hover over them for about 2 hours and then they fly away due west. And […]

UFO Sighting in Graham, North Carolina on March 8th 2013 – Saw what looked like a plane with 3 pulsing white lights, 2 front ones close together

I was standing in my glassed sun room facing due south early in the morning admiring and studying the beautiful stars. It was very dark and the sky was absolutely clear and the stars were shining brightly. I observed, what I thought was an aircraft of some sort on an earlier than normal flight path […]

UFO Sighting in Apex, North Carolina on March 8th 2013 – Brightest light I have ever seen (blue/white in color)

Myself and two other individuals were traveling north bound on a main road when we saw an extremely large bright light in the distance. It was brighter than anything I have ever seen. It hovered above the tree line for approximately ten seconds then “fell” straight down. It was hovering, there was no trial, so […]

UFO Sighting in Newton, North Carolina on March 9th 2013 – First 3 white orbs appeared like stars at dusk at 4pm. Clear skies. Several planes in distance from Charlotte airport . then over 25 plus orbs appeared and hovered 10 mins ..

At a carp pond in Catawba County off og Claremont rd. Notice 3 orbs appeared. Come towards trees behind me. hovered over a mile above me. Appeared like stars at dusk. some brighter than others. some stayed stationary some moved around. Some seem to band together. One though that grouped with others was a twinkly […]
