
DOMINIC LAWSON: At last! I’ve found the gizmo that could end my annual thermostat war with my wife

DOMINIC LAWSON: Could this be the answer to the cold war between the sexes? Scientists at the University of California have devised an armband that functions as a personal thermostat.

UFO Sighting in Tennessee on 2019-01-11 05:30:00 – I’ve seen three crafts and beings and one actually came in my house 3 of them and i was literally paralyzed but heard them but they did not  speak

I was at home and saw a light each time that followed me where i would walk or move to , it was very fast and objects were moving out from it it moved up and down very fast i took a video and u can see an object shoot out from the light , […]

UFO Sighting in Hudson, North Carolina on 2019-01-01 01:05:00 – Witnessed at night. solid orange/ red glow sphere. moved, then stationary, then disappeared straight up at a fast speed  faster than any helicopter i’ve ever seen  never blinked. at @ 1,000 to 5,000 ft elevation

On the night of december 31, shortly after new years i left a nearby friends house at around 12:30am new years morning when i noticed the object. this is the second time i have noticed this object/s. the first was on november 17, 2017, in the nearby town of granite falls, nc. , with multiple […]

At last! Now I’ve turned 65 I’m finally part of a victimised minority, writes TOM UTLEY 

TOM UTLEY: Hurrah! After a lifetime of privilege — as a white, male, middle-class, able-bodied heterosexual — I can finally stake my claim to being the victim of an -ism.

‘I’ve never seen Jesus … but I have seen a UFO.’ Believers in UFOs visit Columbia – The Herald-Sun

‘I’ve never seen Jesus … but I have seen a UFO.’ Believers in UFOs visit Columbia  The Herald-Sun The Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, of South Carolina hosts a UFO conference in Columbia SC on Sept. 22 with speakers including Stanton Friedman, …

UFO Sighting in Cocoa Beach, Florida on 2014-05-10 00:00:00 – I’ve been observing these objects for years-10 + ufo hunters “observers” ep. is showing the same thing we have seen all around cavaveral n central florida over the past 10 years this is what motivated this report i’ve moved to northal n see same objects

Initially, my women an i are avid star gazers….The florida sky is unmatched often times as far as star visibility goes….We often like to go outside at night and observe the night sky of constellations and awesome shooting stars. i realize that many of the stars were flashing and they were objects staying stationery and […]

UFO Sighting in Summerland, British Columbia on 2018-09-26 00:00:00 – Huge white plane going faster than i’ve ever seen. stopped and seemed to spin and become reflective. thought it was nosediving. disappeared! did this twice.

Talking on phone looking out my big window that faces east towards okanagan lake. at first i thought it was a huge white plane traveling down the lake southwards towards penticton, bc. this is the route all the planes take so i wasn’t really concerned as i see this several times a day and at […]

UFO Sighting in Vancouver, British Columbia on 2018-09-12 00:00:00 – Seen many ufos over the last week with numerous cloud formations . i’ve had many many entities in my home i film them i am about to go crazy i’ll probably kill me if it’s the governments. its evil and they’ve shown me and told me so much

i’m scared for my life it’s been going on for a year and it’s getting worse and worse horrible entities demons they say they crashed and they are very tiny alien people that can form into very large aliens i’ve mostly seen them small. i have many pictures and videos. i’m sure by the time […]

UFO Landing in Kingston, Ontario on 2018-09-14 01:20:00 – Huge line appeared in fronted of me going faster than anything i’ve ever seen, yellow/white beam than vanished

I was on centennial drive in kingston ontario going home in a cab when this occurred, it appeared right in front of me threw the wind shield, a shooting star maybe ? a very very quick beam very large in width i got it on video maybe the width of a transport x10000 in length […]

UFO Sighting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 2018-07-08 00:00:00 – Watering my tree looked up notice something i’ve never seen then noticed two more meat up with it flying in at the pattern

i was watering a peach tree looked up in the sky noticed and object i never seen before then noticed one come from underneath same exact object and one come from the side they flew very slow in a v patterni went to get my wife and with in a minute they were gone also […]
