
UFO Sighting in San Luis Obispo, California on March 1st 2013 – red-orange orbs flew in from North, hovered for about 10-min, then one-by-one kinda blinked-out.

While sitting in the hot-tub at 11 pm on a clear night, a red-orange orb “flew” into sight from the North. Since we are 2 miles N of the SLO County airport, we oftentimes see small aircraft and commercial craft fly over in the landing pattern. This time, I happened to look up and see […]

UFO Sighting in Jamestown, Tennessee on July 16th 2013 – Two distinctly different ufos.  They both hovered and changed brightness. They both exhibited purposeful behavior/maneuvers.  Partitions/windows noted in one with upper/lower levels. No other activity noted – no occupants noted.

I sleep out on my sunroom at treetop level. I was going to bed when I noticed bright lights reflecting on the floor. I looked out the windows toward the west and saw an object hovering. I could not tell how far away or how large due to tree -leaf interference but it appeared to […]

UFO Sighting in Greenwood Village, Colorado on July 15th 2013 – Disc shaped, glowing craft quickly came towards location then hovered back and forth before it left.

On July 15th 2013, a little after 9pm, at a concert at Fiddler’s Green, with my husband, I noticed an object traveling very fast towards the venue from the Northwest. There had been several airplanes flying overhead occasionally, however, this did not look or move like a plane or a helicopter. Right after I noticed […]

UFO Sighting in West Hollywood, California on July 8th 2013 – Ship hovered outside apartment window

My handy-man’s son captured this image from his iPod touch standing in his bedroom in their apartment in West Hollywood. They wish to remain anonymous and didn’t even want to circulate this photo. The boy stated that he looked out his window and saw this shape. He then called down to his mother and sister […]

UFO Sighting in Brantford, Ontario on July 12th 2013 – orbs rising in horizon, hovered then disappeared

on Friday July 12,2013….I was dropping friend off in West Brantford at 10 pm when we noticed 5 objects rise in the sw direction from the treetops. They were bright like fire balls and hovered in the sky. I began my video on my iphone but could only capture 3 of them, but there was […]

UFO Sighting in Elk Grove, California on July 14th 2013 – saw two bright star-like objects about 1/2 mile apart move towards ea other, passed closely and slowed then changed spots and hovered at opposite spots

I went outside in our yard to walk our dogs before putting them to bed. I always star gaze because our sky is usually clear and I love seeing meteorites and shooting stars. I first noticed what I thought was a pretty large “slow” shooting star move from south (almost above my house) to east […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Manhattan, Illinois on July 12th 2013 – red fire ball turned into a yellow triangle shot straight up hovered left then right

I went on the deck for a smoke around 9 pm. I noticed a strange red light hovering, it shifted several times from left to right. I went inside grabbed my iPhone, and started recording. Its hard to see, and after a while of the light not doing anything I put my phone down. Thats […]

UFO Sighting in Lakewood, Colorado on July 4th 2013 – Driving home from fireworks and noticed a bright flashing blue, green and red light hovered above the cross made of lights on the side of Mount Lindo

My wife and I were on our way home from fireworks in Arvada at approximately 10:10 pm. We were heading South on Kipling St and we caught sight of a bright blue/purple flashing in the sky to the left of us (West). I continued paying attention to the road and asked her to keep an […]

UFO Sighting in South Whitley, Indiana on March 19th 2013 – Watched bell watched shaped red-Orange object Fly Over east field then hovered above trees

I was outside on the deck facing north at approximately 1:30 in the a.m. an approaching glow from just over the trees to the north east of my location caught my eye. It seemed to come out of nowhere due to the low altitude and treeline in that direction. I looked up and over the […]

UFO Sighting in Centerville, Texas on January 24th 2013 – noticed 1 light at 1st in the sky..thought it was a plane, star, etc but it strobed and hovered and very slowly moved.. then saw a 2nd 1 after that.

It was late January 2013 on a Saturday night. I was at my brother’s for the weekend and had stayed up late to watch a Hitchcock movie with him and my nephew. My brother & I decided to step out and have a cigarette on his front porch. As we stood there sharing a smoke […]
