
UFO Sighting in Cottonwood, Arizona on April 25th 2013 – Bright star hovered, then shot around then hovered, then moved slowly overhead then turned dim and disappeared

I was outside on the phone with my mom it was 8:08p.m. Thursday night, April 25,2013. I saw a bright star. Then all of a sudden in moved. I watched for a second and it shot around and then hovered again. I thought I was seeing things. I told my mom I gotta go and […]

UFO Sighting in Castlegar, British Columbia on August 23rd 2011 – noiseless star came straight at us stopped and hovered seemed to have a flash beam hovered for a minute then came closer turned west and vanished

In the summer of 2011 my sister and I were sitting outside on her patio having tea at night before we went to bed, when a bright star began to get larger. Being born in the airforce we both thought it was a helicopter. It appeared to be coming straight toward us as if it […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Manchester, Kentucky on July 3rd 2011 – Wife & cousin saw 3 orange lights approaching. Got me and another cousin. Witnessed  lights come up to us, hovered over 2 triangles.Shown maglight on ship looked charcoal coloer in beam. Rest of ship remained dark. Sped off one after other very fast.

My wife and I was at my cousins house in Elk Creek Kentucky. It was July 3,2011. Warm, beautiful night. The next door neighbor was shooting fireworks off. My wife and cousin went on the front porch to water flowers in hanging baskets. I stayed in the house with my other cousin. My wife opened […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Picayune, Mississippi on April 13th 2013 – Small metallic object hovered momentarily off wingtip of my airplane

At approximately 1530 CDT on April 13, 2013, I was piloting my airplane at 2,500′ while approaching the Picayune, MS VOR, heading North. Nearing the VOR, I glanced out of my right window and saw a small (approx. 10-12″ wide), shiny metallic object just off the right wing. What immediately caught my attention is that […]

UFO Sighting in Crestline, Ohio on July 28th 2007 – red light still/ then bright yellow flash started moving slow.in another location angled our way red, yellow, white lights hovered moving slow angle right went through power lines and trees in an easterly direction

coming tward pinecrest trailor court see a light in the sky,i asumed was a star or planet at an 11oclock angle tward the west.then it abruptly droped to a 930oclock angle then hovered for aprox 3 minutes then moved slightly to the right for aprox 3 minutes then moved slightly to the right hovered then […]

Black Triangle Sighting in Toledo, Ohio on January 5th 1999 – triangular shape, hovered above water, a light underneath each corner of triangle and row of lights along the back, stood approx. 25ft from it until it disappeared

I was heading home with 3 other people in a car from the local YMCA. We were driving along a road that runs along side the Ottawa River when the passenger in the rear of the vehicle yelled at everyone to look out his side of the vehicle. I was sitting on the other side […]

UFO Sighting in Mississippi on April 15th 2013 – glowing gold golfball in size hovered from backyard over the house, paused then traveled slowly over trees on the next property observed it was only 20ft up in sky,  blinked 2 or 3 times then disappeared

I walked out my front door around 10pm. Walked down driveway and turned around at the house and witnessed a golfball shape in size very bright gold glowing like orb over my house. Slowly rose up about 25 ft from the ground. It paused for about 2 minutes and took a path west very slowly. […]

UFO Sighting in Bellevue, Washington on May 5th 1981 – Driving to Bowling alley when overhad UFO hovered and cntacted ein car telepthically

While driving o a bowling alley I noted a UFO overhead. The car stopped and there was silence. As I attempted to look out the window a bright yellow/green light shone down forcing me to withdraw my attempts t look up. I could see an irregular edge which appeared to show the craft to be […]

UFO Sighting in Rushville, Indiana on April 3rd 2013 – large orange/white ball about 3to 4 football fields in sky,after observing for 2 mins a smaller same color craft came out. went straight down just above tee top and hovered then they both disappeared. i have more info but not enough space here to share it

I was leaving early in morning to go to my oldest daughters, she was going to have my 2nd grandchild. so I was driving on back roads to get to main highway since I live in the country. It was about 0430 in the morning when I observed a round large glowing light orange/white in […]

UFO Sighting in between canton and allian, Ohio on April 6th 2013 – Two rows of orange balls light 1 over other. hovered low in north sky. 8 to 12 lights. two helicopters in area as well.

I was getting into vehicle to go out to eat. My children and I were watching the sky because we noticed helicopter activity. My daughter thought they were military copters. We looked to the north sky and saw two rows of orange lights. They were hanging in the air low; just above trees about a […]
