UFO Sighting in Marshall, Arkansas on 2016-11-18 03:39:00 – Looked like falling star with firey tail heading toward nw, instantly stopped, changed direction to southeast and hovered over my home.It was huge.Gold disc.

It was about 3:40 am a few nights before thanksgiving 2016. i stepped onto the deck to have a cigarette. i sat down, and looked up at the beautiful clear sky. kind of northeast, straight up i saw a golden ball enter line of sight near a star position, falling rapidly with a firry tail, falling toward the northwest at a high rate of speed. i thought it was falling space junk, or a falling star, possibly a meteor. that thought changed quickly when the thing stopped instantly off in the far distant sky just above tree level–toward the northwest. immediately it changed course and shot toward my place in a straight line heading a southeast direction. i am watching intently as it only took a second or two for the thing to arrive directly above me and hover there for fifteen seconds or so. it was huge! a disc shinning bright gold with no other lights on the bottom, and no sound. it had to be near 100 feet in diameter, probably 100 feet above me. i was amazed! then a finger of dread played with my insides as i recalled stories of abduction. i stood, put out the cigarette, and backed into the house keeping my eyes on the object. once i stepped through the doorway, it shot straight up at an unbelievable speed heading back to the point above from where it came. i never believed in ufos! never! i am sixty-two years old and always thought this was bs. i thought anyone claiming to have seen one was delusional or their was some rational explanation other than a ufo/aliens. after this incident, i am a believer!!!



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